quarta-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2010


The world starts to face a new reality after earthquake of the Haiti. Now, to the side of the richest and powerful USA , will be the more really poor of the Ocidente.Perhaps lost cases Bangladesh and Burma, this bogged in the incredible denounced military dictatorship in Rambo IV (imagine the hypocrisy of the world occidental person.Stallone has that to denounce a dictatorship however it makes nobody it) that concurs” of the East is the countries “hours, therefore you deliver at own luck in this divided and hypocritical world.
Haiti already was object of post in September of 2009, where its incredible ecological situation is shown, after destroyed hundreds of years of cultivation, where not even the wonderful Caribbean blue sea if finds engaged with alluvium silt to the deep one, that it killed the chorale and it disappeared with the fish.
Haiti is a species of bomb of effect delayed still of the colonial times. For the perpetual ones distracted, its population entirely was imported of Africa, after massace of the indians, for the cultivation of the sugar cane.
Dominated, colonized and exhausted for the Frenchmen, he was first the parents Latin to get Independence.
Currently, basic sanitation, industry or Agroindústria do not exist, and with one the population of 10.000.000 of people who depend on humanitarian aid, missionary and the one that heading will be, what complete a multidisciplinarmente preocpante picture.
Now, all this population, that if says catholic but with strong African traditions (all know voodoo and zoombies that the Americans love) it is really in serious problems.
All this tenebrous picture could be used for study and application in situations of extreme world-wide emergency, in a world each more dangerous, unjust and devastado year.
Haiti will be optimum balloon of world-wide assay for probable apocalyptic times, it remains in them to study and to wait.

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